The name of this gaming category ‘Endless Truck’ does not mean that a truck is physically endless by length. It is endless by gaming implementation: a truck (the protagonist of this game) is capable of endlessly riding unless it does not crash.
The reasons for crashing in endless truck online game are as follows:
1) It overturns, falling on the roof
2) It will have a bigger degree of inclination of its axis so it enters into contact with the surface it rides at (basically, bumps onto it with its nose or rear)
3) It will not cope with another obstacle, like a fence or a mine, and will run onto them, not jump over
4) It loses more gas than it gains during the ride (the canisters with extra gas are located on the track unevenly and sometimes only several feet are left prior to getting another gas canister before the tank depletes completely)
5) You will not cope with the level goals, such as doing a required number of back flips or front flips, getting smoothly on your wheels back again after another jump, or collecting the necessary amount of money.
Although gaming mechanics and level objectives are not too hard and definitely not impossible, the tempo of endless truck free game is not loose, so you must be always focused and attentive in order to complete the level objectives. If you do not manage to fulfill them before wrecking the car, then you are forced to retry the level until you do. But when you wreck the car after you complete the level objectives, then you pass onto another level, with new objectives. Not wrecking the car here is not an option on the table — this will happen sooner or later.
For the gaming money you collect during the process, you can purchase the truck upgrades.
In endless truck online games to play for free, there are several games where a truck is a protagonist. They all presuppose active movements and doing stunts. We think you’ll have a lot of fun with these games.