Since we started to amass more free Gumball games in our catalog and they were scattered here and there across our gaming space, we’ve decided to bring them all together to a new category of free Gumball games online. When you open the page with online free Gumball games, you see that the overwhelming part of them is made of action games, where the protagonist runs, swings, jumps, fights, or races. This completely goes in line with the nature of this creature, an anthropomorphic blue cat, which seems to never be sad.
Gumball appeared as the main acting star in the animated TV cartoon series called ‘The amazing world of Gumball’. Along with this creature, there are other characters, the most prominent of which is Darwin, an adoptive brother, which species is goldfish. Their first appearance was in the middle of 2011 on the Cartoon Network, the programs of which you, probably, watch on your TV when you’re at home.
The cartoon family of Gumball also includes his sister, mother, and father. And during his shenanigans in the series, he also interacts with a significant number of supporting characters (over 50 in totality). To find out more about this cute creature, start playing the games with Gumball already now!